Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 44 & 45

Hi everyone, it's time for me to make a "come to Jesus" myself (and a slight plea to my hubby) I've lost all motivation towards my P90X program. I don't know why. I want to want to do it. I want the results that I've started to see on myself and the results I've seen on all the program graduates. I'm in a rut! This week was supposed to be a repeat of week, next week will be a three-peat of week 5. Hopefully one of these days I'll stick to it and move on to week 6!

I still have motivation, some, to work out (run)...I just don't have it towards dvds. And,I think that is exactly it. I dvd workouts themselves are fabulous...they keep your heart rate up, they work your muscles, and you can feel the progress the next day...however, they're just that...a dvd. I have lost interest in working out to the tv. If only I could have a partner. If only my life partner and husband, Craig, would do them with me. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!

You see, he's more of the meat-head type. He wants huge, massive muscle and isn't concerned with the amount of leanness he has going on. He's not fat by any means but I think he would have tremendous results from this program. We could be the hottest couple in the world!!!! ha ha

So, here's to scraping by this week and attempting to start over next week and hit it hard with week 5, once again. For all of you who are doing the program also, keep up the good work. Try your hardest to stick with it. I truly believe in the program. These issues are purely my own that I must work through and conquer.

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