Dad and Hogan taking a nap
Monday, December 12, 2011
Introducing, the studly, Hogan Eric Clark
Dad and Hogan taking a nap
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I've made it to my due date, now what?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A day to be thankful for...
- I'm wearing un-natural looking green sparkly eyeliner for those "look I just had a baby" pics
- I'm leaving the house a disaster-dishes, clothes, toys everywhere, bed unmade
- I'm not taking the hospital bag with me
- And to put the icing on the cake I'm tempted to drive until the gas light comes on...there is nothing I hate more than the stress of "will I or won't I run out of gas?"
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Every pregnancy is different indeed
Here I sit, 39 weeks 1 day pregnant, never thinking I would have made it this far. I always thought each baby came earlier and babies have proven the opposite. My first was born at 38 weeks, my second at 38 weeks 1 day and my third at 38 weeks 3 days. Each labor and delivery was a tad bit longer than the previous too.
At this point I really have no idea when this baby will decide to make his appearance. After my check up Monday, when I found out he was finally engaged and I was at 2cm and 50% effaced, I really thought he was coming Tuesday or today (at the moment that only leaves 4 hours for him to arrive today still). Yesterday my hips and back hurt, so I of course thought that was the day. Today I've felt nothing. No inclination that this baby will ever come out.
I'm also convinced of 2 things: 1) I am a quite habitable environment and 2) He can hear the outside world around him and is terrified to join this crazy clan we call our family!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving...of course there's been a million and a half people say, "oh, you may have a Thanksgiving baby!" Yea, great, wonderful, I could care less. I don't care what his birthday is, as long as it comes soon!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Weekly Update
Every day is a struggle to not be overly impatient. I'm an extremely impatient person in general. I like plans. I like to know when things are going to happen and how they are going to happen. This is driving me nuts! I am fully aware that Mr. Hogan will grace us with his presence when he is ready...and I'm trying to be ok with that. I really thought I would have had him by today...but who knows, perhaps today is the day!
Today is my Gpa Dub's birthday, tomorrow is our dear friend Josh's birthday, next Wednesday is my Uncle Monte's and Great-Uncle Jim's birthdays, next Thursday is my dear friend Kristin's birthday, then there's always Thanksgiving.
I don't even know what else I can say at this point. I'm due in 13 days. I assume I could go any day now. Sometimes the baby is very still and sometimes he is kicking a lot. Sometimes I am exhausted and sometimes I feel great. I nested this weekend and got my whole house clean and laundry caught back up. Yesterday my face kept getting hot...not like a hot flash but just a flushed feeling. One of the med students I work with said it was because I was vasodilating. He predicted the baby wasn't coming yesterday but soon. I just pray I don't go over...I don't think my sanity could take it...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Things to note today:
- Last night was a full moon
- 11-11-11, this would mean both my boys would share the 11th as their bdays and both my girls already share the 9th as their bdays (Scotland 1/9, Paislee 6/9, Sully 4/11, Hogan???)
- The hubs surprised me with a GIANT Hershey's Chocolate Bar in my purse this morning
- Work is having a baby shower for me today
- The med school applicant I am interviewing today is the first I've had to have such an interest in natural childbirth and has even shadowed a midwife
- I'm taking the stairs all day and avoiding elevators as much as I can
Coincidence? We'll just have to wait and see what the rest of the day has in store for this pregnant momma and baby!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Now it is a game of patience
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Only 4 more weeks...
4 weeks left, can you believe it?! I can't. This pregnancy has gone by so fast. I'm trying my best to soak it all in and enjoy it, but it is so hard to keep from getting overly anxious for Hogan's arrival. Last week was a rough week of fatigue and discomfort. This week has proven to be better. I caught myself nesting at work was short lived and followed by exhaustion. At least my office is now slightly neater in case the baby were to come early.
It has been so long since I had a good post. I'll have to go back and check to see what I really talked about last. It seems like there's been a lot going on to talk about, I've just been lazy and only done the weekly pregnancy update (if that).
I'm really hoping for a productive weekend. Mom has committed to helping me finish some of my projects. I want to finish painting our family room (the room with the chalk board wall) and paint the hallway. I'm pretty stoked as I want to do 12-18 inch white and gray horizontal stripes in my hallway...the only problem is the stairs and slant of the wall...I'm hoping my mom can help me get them straight relatively easily, as I know my patience will wear thin rather quickly!!!
There are only 4 more weekends left until I'm due...and that doesn't factor in that I've gone 2 weeks early with each of the other 3 kids...we could only be talking about 2 weekends. I need to get my painting done, carpets shampooed and yard cleaned up! How I'll manage all of this I have no idea.
Here are some of the topics I have yet to post on (I believe):
- our week in Chicago
- a 7th anniversary, a 50th birthday, a half marathon, and a full marathon
- Halloween
You will hopefully be seeing posts on these soon...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The countdown is on...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Still here, still pregnant....just tired
Monday, September 26, 2011
My honesty post...
This is what my house looked like Friday night, all day Saturday (because we left the house at 6am and returned exhausted at 7pm), and Sunday morning until we hit it hard and got it cleaned up.
Oh, my Sully-boy...
Friday, September 23, 2011
I'm going out on a limb...I'm being bold!
I'm not snobby, hoyty-toyty or uppity. I don't always feel that I am better than others. I don't openly boast about this feeling (except for right now). But, I'm feeling rather opinionated right now and let me just tell you about what I've witnessed today that convinces me that I am, in fact, better than these people.
- I am not walking outside of the hospital that I am admitted to in order to smoke...while also being PREGNANT!
- I do not yell, yes I mean YELL, empty threats at my kids in public while letting them run amok!
- I live a relatively healthy life and try to instill this into my kids.
- I teach my kids manners.
- I remove my kids from environments where they can not control themselves.
First point: Yes, I witnessed with my own 2 eyes, a pregnant woman wearing a hospital gown walking outside the hospital while smoking. Obviously she was walking to the designated smoking area since our local hospital is smoke free. To bad she couldn't also follow the rule of NOT SMOKING WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT. What goes through the minds of these people? I just don't understand. In my overly opinionated state I feel that they should be held accountable for child endangerment. Period!
Second point: While I wait for my 3 year old to enjoy her dance class I am left in the small hallway of a smelly old school building to fend for myself while some of the other moms allow their younger, bratty children to wreak havoc on my nerves. This havoc ranges from yelling to running to climbing to crying to spitting in the water fountain. Yes, spitting in the water fountain. I'm sure the mom was less than impressed when I looked at her and said, "I think he's spitting in the water fountain." She looked over at him, watched for a bit and replied, "he just keeps drinking it." Ah NO! He is spitting in the water fountain and that is disgusting. Please get your child under control or leave. He kept it up and she eventually got on to him for it; however, I'm sure his disgusting little germs had already spread all over the place. This same child yelled the whole time while mom yelled back empty threats. When she would actually spank him he would just grunt back at her. He also told her "No!"
Stuff like this infuriates me. How are people not embarrassed for others to see them smoking while pregnant or allowing their 2 year old to run the show? How has the world come to this? How is it that in the year 2011 people act and do whatever they want just because it is their God-given right (whether it is actually right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy)? This is a sad state we're in...
So you see, I don't think I'm better than others because of the material things I have, the way I look, my career or education level. I think I'm better than others because I've instilled the traits of respect (for one's self and others), manners, and common courtesy in my children. They will be good people if it kills me...I will not settle for less!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
It is Thursday and Fall is in the air...
In an effort to save myself some embarrassment I tried to crop as much out of the pic as possible. That is, in fact, my crammed and disorganized closet behind me and I apologize for the dirty mirror and blurry pic. A girl works with what she's got...and that's all I had as I got ready to leave for work.
For those of you who have checked out the blogs that I follow, jeez aren't they cute??!!, you might have noticed a lot of them do a "What I Wore Wednesday" (WIWW) post. I can only assume they do this on Wednesday because of the W's. Well, mine is a "Look What I Threw Together Today" (LWITTT) post. Perhaps I will make this a regular feature.
I've got to wrap up as I wait for the 3rd child to return home from school. Keep your fingers crossed that she's not sick...however, I suspect that it will be soon coming if she's not already. We may just medicate and sleep all evening...all of us!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I'm either all or nothing...
After the Ruby Tuesday's ordeal we did in fact head to Nauvoo, IL for camping fun with the family. Of course there were good times and bad. We had a few melt downs but all in all it was nice to get away from home for a bit. The kids loved it and still have the mosquito bites to prove it...GROSS! Sully's legs were completely covered and Paislee even ended up with a few on her face.
The hubs, Scotland and I all headed home late Sunday night while the grandparents, Sully and Paislee headed to Mt. Pleasant, IA on Monday. Fun was had by all. I attacked our bathroom the majority of the day Monday and ALL DAY TUESDAY. I took pics of the work, and now that this post reminds me, I highly irritated that I've misplaced the memory card with those pictures! Wow, what a quick way to ruin my evening! Anyway, the bathroom is about 95% done, walls painted, vanity painted, new mirror hung. Now for the final few details...that will likely never get completed until it is time to sell the house and move. Besides working on the bathroom Monday and Tuesday I really can't remember the rest of the week...
Last Saturday was a total waste! We got up and went to Sully's first soccer game, which he absolutely hated. He stood on the field and cried as soon as the game started...and I don't mean cry, I mean WAIL AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS! I ended up dragging him off the field, like any mom-of-the-year would. I drug my chair away from the Grandmas and made him sit beside me until he was ready to go back in...which never really crossed his mind. We put him back in near the end of the game for him to stand in one spot while rubbing his eyes and attempting not to cry...the kid does not like soccer. Next Saturday should be a real treat. On the other hand, Paislee started dance and absolutely loves it. There was no sign of shyness at all. This girl is going to be an entertainer. I'm excited to see how she grows from it all.
After the exhaustion/frustration of the soccer game we all went home and lounged around watching TV until lunchtime. I admit that I dozed off a bit. Then we ate lunch and took naps. After naps Grandpa Mark came to pick up the star soccer player to go to the monster truck show. Then the hubs, girls and I ate some supper and continued to lounge around until bedtime. The girls' bedtime was followed up by more lounging until I fell asleep on the couch and Gpa and Sully returned home. The hubs put Sully to bed and I fell back asleep on the couch. I was literally in a horizontal position for ~20 hours on Saturday...what a sloth! I blame it on the baby!
Thank goodness Sunday morning rolled around and we managed to get the house cleaned before heading over the the in-laws to watch the air show. It was a long day but the kids had a blast playing with all the other kids who cames with their parents. I was surprised the bathtub wasn't clogged after baths Sunday evening...those kids were filthy.
There are no excuses, I am just off this week. I've been off on my days and dates, I keep mixing things up at work, and I know it will only get worse. I'm 29 weeks and I've hit a wall. It seems Mr. Hogan has grown quite a bit in the last week as he is kicking in all directions at all times. It is still fun and exciting though. Last night I finished my "Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Childbirth". I've gone back and ear-marked the chapters that I need to revisit. I'm still pretty stoked about the challenge before me. I just hope I can keep my composure and make it through. I've been watching TLC's A Baby Story on my lunch break for was a good one, but the rest have been stupid. About 90% of them have been c-sections and the other 10% have just been annoying people that have rubbed me the wrong way. Either way, today's was great. It was a natural water birth and this lady wailed about as loud Sully did on the soccer field.
Any who, I'm tired and that's enough catching up for now. I'm ready to snuggle in with my blanket and fall asleep....only to be woken up by the hubs and told to go to bed. Yes sir!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Oh Ruby Tuesdays, you suck so bad!...
The horrid experience began with our seating. They had an area with 6 tables, 2 rows of 3 tables each. Instead of staggering the seating of these tables they had 1 row of 3 tables full while the other row of 3 was empty. They could have easily spaced out the 3 parties so that we wouldn't be bumping each other with our chairs. WHATEVER, I digress....Next came the worst part of the whole ordeal.
The waitress, who was overly cheery as they all are, while I was already crabby from realizing that we shouldn't have chosen there to eat, came and got our drink orders. Upon her return with our drinks she proceeded to hand them out, except my iced tea. She knocked my ice tea over on her tray, that she was holding over my 5 year old Scotland. The whole tray dumped, spilling iced tea and the glass itself all over Scotland. I'm not talking a spill in the lap. The tray was being held over Scotland's head. Her shoulder, which I can only assume was hit with the glass itself, her whole right side, tummy, right leg and even right shoe were drenched. I was infuriated!
Poor Scotland instantly started to pout, but she was such a big girl and kept it together...she did better than mom! I picked her up and took her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She was cold and wet. I could have handled it if it had happened to Craig or myself, but a child...I was hot. So hot, in fact, my face literally felt hot. I was instantly ready to just leave. By the time we headed back to our table the manager gave me one of those pathetic "I'm sorry" faces and asked if we had ordered yet. I replied that we hadn't and she was nice enough to let us pick out an appetizer on her...really, you're ever so kind! (SARCASM!!!) Well, low and behold, they moved us to a different table...the one they should have seated us at to begin with.
The waitress apologized over and over again. I kinda felt bad for her because it could have happened to anyone and I realize she didn't do it on purpose...but I was still totally raging about it all. I pretty much just kept my mouth shut because I knew if I got started I would never shut up.
We finally collected our barrings and order our FREE APPETIZER and meals. We waited for our food, continue to be shocked at how 1 restaurant could suck so bad! They brought us our food and SHOCKER-my meal was messed up. I had ordered my mini-burgers without mayo, and here it was. Fantastic!
I cleared it off, lettuce, tomato and all and nicely laid it on the table next to my plate. We ate our meals and were then offered free cupcakes for either there or to take home. WE'LL TAKE THEM HOME PLEASE! I was SO ready to get out of there.
They brought our check and I was sure they would mess it up in some way. She pointed out the coupon we had brought in and the FREE APPETIZER we were awarded for letting our 5 year old have iced tea spilled all over her. We paid too much for our experience and I am mad I didn't complain more than I did...honestly, I was just so ready to get out of there that I just wanted to pay and go home. We ended up paying $35 for 2 adult meals, 1 kids meal, and Craig's beer. Keep in mind that 1 kids meal was going to be free either way and the appetizer and cupcakes were free. The appetizer and cupcakes were not worth the iced tea all over Scotland and my order being messed up.
Again, I do feel bad for the waitress, who we later found out was still training, SURPRISE SURPRISE! And, Craig said his meal really was pretty good.
**I am curious though, have you ever had a meal/drink dumped on you or anyone else at your table?**
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Did I say I was going to give the class another shot...
Besides that, the hormones have been on a roller coaster tonight and I'm about to throw my computer out the back door. I'm tired, crabby, and my back hurts. I'm calling it a night. Here's hoping there are no roller coasters tomorrow or the weekend.
Idea Alert!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I just can't stop!!!
Christ Centered Birthing Class
Back in the early Spring (and as a New Year's resolution) I had made the commitment to further explore and learn about my Faith and spiritual side. Things have been going well, some days are better than others, some days I forget and turn into a complete crabby, negative Nancy. I try to do my best and I know that I still have a long way to go. I like to think of myself as a "work in progress".
My Christ Centered Birth Class is not the "work in progress" type. These women are very much tuned into their Faith and seem very sentimental about it all. Not that there is anything wrong with that, they just don't seem to be my type of people. I will continue to go because I know I can learn from them; however, it is hard to "buy-in" to people who act very differently than you do. I can talk about my Faith and what I believe in a normal tone of voice. I am open and matter-of-factly about it all. It is very different to be in the midst of people who can't talk about it without quieting their voices, almost to a whisper, while puting their hands to their chests in an effort to prove such passion about what they're talking about. It almost seems like it is all over the top to prove they have so much love and Faith within them. Do you understand the type I'm talking about? Again, I hope I don't offend anyone by talking about just isn't my thing. Can I also add that out of the 4 of us in attendance I am THE ONLY ONE PREGNANT!!!
Yes, there is the instructor, who is pretty soft spoken, her sister, who talks a lot and is there to learn more about being a doula, another lady who seems pretty naive but also wants to learn about being a doula, and me...the token pregnant gal in a birthing class!!! So not only am in surrounded by ladies who are very much different than I am, but I'm trying to learn all I can about the biggest challenge I am going to put myself through (an unmedicated childbirth) and I'm the only one attending the class for the original purpose of the class...I can't stop going, who would be the token?!
How do I get myself in these situations??? I do it all the time. I try to better myself and end up feeling guilted to continue whatever it is. Again, I'm sure I'll learn a lot throughout the next 7 weeks but it is going to be a struggle to keep my motivation and glean from the class what I need to personally achieve what I am looking for. The whole situation is just a little weird...but oh well, welcome to my life.
Ramble, Ramble, Ramble,
In order to make this concise here are the topics:
~The blog in general
~Monday night sewing
~Painted chalkboard
~Baby Hogan at 27 wks and hormones
For anyone who checks my blog on a somewhat regular basis you'll notice that the blog has changed almost everyday. I really consider myself "a horse of a different color", in that my mood/preferences/style changes all the time. I just can't committ to one design for very long. I'm not sure I'll every find just the right combination of colors and textures to keep me content. So, if you open it up and it looks totally differnt the next time, don't think you've ended up in the wrong place...I've just gotten bored.
Since the hubs plays golf with the guys every Monday night now I've decided to make it my sewing night...after the kids go to bed, of course. My projects have to be quick and painless because I have to finish them in the same night or they'll never get done. It is beginning to seem like Tuesday's at work are now "here is what I made last night" days. So far my creations have only be 2 scarves and some flowers, but I'm excited to keep it all up.
Here is this weeks creation:
Last weekend we had committed to painting our chalkboard wall downstairs. We've had a little chalkboard painted on a wall for a while now and I saw this pic of a whole wall painted like a chalkbaord and new the kids would love it. It went pretty smoothly, except the hubs convinced me that we only needed to tackle the one wall for now. So now, the chalkboard wall is complete but we still need to paint the other 3 walls of the room.
The hubs sanding down the texture of the wall
Primed and trimmed
The finished product...or part of it
It should also be noted that I took this pic all by myself. I just set the timer on the camera and hoped it turned out alright...not too bad.
As you can see in the pic above, Baby Hogan and I are growing right are the hormones. Hogan is kicking more and more and harder and harder. It's a lot of fun to anticipate his arrival and how are family will change. It's also a little crazy to think about!
I started my birthing class, that I was so excited about...more on this in a separate post.
Now for the hormones. I feel as though I've been handling everything quite well, but when something hits me wrong I become sour quickly. Let's just say that 1 little statement, that wasn't meant the way I took it, resulted in me in bed by 9pm...royally crabby! All is well again today though, that's all that matters.
So that's enough for now. I'll see about adding more posts on a more regular basis. Perhaps I'll even get another one up tonigh.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I have inspiration coming out my...
As you can see, the blog is getting a little bit of a facelift. I have been so inspired by some/all of the blogs that I follow. They offer such great info and are so cute and sassy. I'm trying to add more to my blog but I'm not sure what I'm please be patient as I learn. Please also offer advice if you seem to know more than me (I'd really love to learn how to put a signature at the bottom of each post...suggestions welcomed!) These awesome blogs can be found under the link Blogs I Adore at the top of this page. I've also added a separate page that will someday be a welcome/all about me.
My list of things I want to make/fix/update just continues to grow. I am getting such great ideas for sewing, decorating, and life in general from the blogs of others. I'm also finding that my tastes have changed significantly since being pregnant this time. I used to go for modern/formal decore and clothing. These days I am all about fun and functional, cottage casual. I can't get enough cardigans, belts, flowers, ruffles and scarves. I'm obsessed with finding a cute pair of flat riding boots that I can wear this fall will all of the items I just mentioned. Although I've always thought of these things as cute they were never "my style" they most certainly are! Craig's still adjusting, as he's anti-accessories and prefers clean lines. He'll survive!
I/We continue to pluck away at the list of things I/we want to accomplish before the baby gets here. I found my fabric for curtains and my Grandma was nice enough to come over last Sunday to help me sew them...which, thankfully, turned into her sewing them. I will post more pictures of the living/dining rooms once the rooms are finished. I'm ordering more fabric for 2 more panel to add to my big window and plan to also frame some fabric art for the walls.
On the list for this weekend is painting the family room and possibly constructing a loft bed for the boys' cute is that, "the boys' room"! Here is a link to a really cute bed that we like and seems relatively easy...How to Build a Loft, courtesy the handmade home. The family room will have one HUGE wall of chalkboard paint and the other 3 walls of hopefully a fun color. We have yet to decide. I'd love to eventually build a bookshelf for one of the walls in the family room too, but that will have to wait for now.
Today marks 26 weeks and the growing continues. Clothes are still fitting but my recent obsessions with belts is getting painful. Today I had to take my belt off...I was wearing it above the baby bump and it was pinching my skin between it and my underwire. Fun, let me tell you! The girls continue to grow out of control too, and I don't mean Scotland and Paislee. I'm popping seams and fraying straps on my bras...woe is me.
Speaking of peeing, Ms. Paislee's had a heck of a time lately. She was fully potty-trained but has seemed to develop some issues lately. She's doing a great job of helping me keep the bathroom floors mopped each night...yep, she's peeing on the floor at least once a night. She actually managed to do it twice within an hour and a half the other evening. She's in the habit of waiting til last minute, and then the vain little thing that she is, gets distracted by herself in the mirror on the way to the toilet. She also likes to of these 2 times she peed on the floor she told me, "well, I was just dancing, mom". Paislee, NOT A VALID EXCUSE!
Scotland has just continued to be sweet little Scotland. She's just precious...especially when she's tired. She's snuggly. She arrives home each afternoon from school completely exhausted!
Sneak Peek
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A Day of Firsts
- First day of Kindergarten for Scotland
- First day of full day preschool for Sullivan
- First day of preschool (period) for Paislee
- First time on the bus for Paislee
- First time missing the bus for Sully and Paislee (they were not put on the bus to come home)
- First time Scotland decided to walk out the front door on her own (while mom was changing clothes before our evening walk)
- First time having to pop-a-squat in someones yard so Paislee could potty while on said walk
- First time posting pics of the kids on the blog...thanks Craiger!
Paislee and Sully as they arrived home after mom had to pick them up.
In other news, I am excited to start my birthing class. I've signed up for a Christian Birthing Class that will be held at a local church. It starts next week and goes for 8 weeks. This will get me to within about 6 weeks of my due date. Hopefully I will learn and practice all the relaxation and coping methods I need in order to survive a natural delivery...I'm so excited!!
And while we're on the baby train I have to explain my new, legitimate nickname. The Clark-Maker. This is not just any nickname that one would give themselves. This came straight from Craig's grandma, and I am proud to hold the title of Clark-Maker, it is an honor! As long as Craig will let me I will keep kicking out Clarks!
I think that is all for now. So for all of you random followers who I don't really know, I hope you enjoy my family. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of things that I've tried to remember to mention since my last post 2 weeks ago, but for now I'm done. This post has taken way too long to post because I keep having trouble with formatting. If you're lucky ;) I'll post again tomorrow.