I'm not snobby, hoyty-toyty or uppity. I don't always feel that I am better than others. I don't openly boast about this feeling (except for right now). But, I'm feeling rather opinionated right now and let me just tell you about what I've witnessed today that convinces me that I am, in fact, better than these people.
- I am not walking outside of the hospital that I am admitted to in order to smoke...while also being PREGNANT!
- I do not yell, yes I mean YELL, empty threats at my kids in public while letting them run amok!
- I live a relatively healthy life and try to instill this into my kids.
- I teach my kids manners.
- I remove my kids from environments where they can not control themselves.
First point: Yes, I witnessed with my own 2 eyes, a pregnant woman wearing a hospital gown walking outside the hospital while smoking. Obviously she was walking to the designated smoking area since our local hospital is smoke free. To bad she couldn't also follow the rule of NOT SMOKING WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT. What goes through the minds of these people? I just don't understand. In my overly opinionated state I feel that they should be held accountable for child endangerment. Period!
Second point: While I wait for my 3 year old to enjoy her dance class I am left in the small hallway of a smelly old school building to fend for myself while some of the other moms allow their younger, bratty children to wreak havoc on my nerves. This havoc ranges from yelling to running to climbing to crying to spitting in the water fountain. Yes, spitting in the water fountain. I'm sure the mom was less than impressed when I looked at her and said, "I think he's spitting in the water fountain." She looked over at him, watched for a bit and replied, "he just keeps drinking it." Ah NO! He is spitting in the water fountain and that is disgusting. Please get your child under control or leave. He kept it up and she eventually got on to him for it; however, I'm sure his disgusting little germs had already spread all over the place. This same child yelled the whole time while mom yelled back empty threats. When she would actually spank him he would just grunt back at her. He also told her "No!"
Stuff like this infuriates me. How are people not embarrassed for others to see them smoking while pregnant or allowing their 2 year old to run the show? How has the world come to this? How is it that in the year 2011 people act and do whatever they want just because it is their God-given right (whether it is actually right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy)? This is a sad state we're in...
So you see, I don't think I'm better than others because of the material things I have, the way I look, my career or education level. I think I'm better than others because I've instilled the traits of respect (for one's self and others), manners, and common courtesy in my children. They will be good people if it kills me...I will not settle for less!
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