Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Christ Centered Birthing Class

So let's talk a bit about this Christ Centered Birthing Class that I was so excited about, shall we? My first class was last Thursday and my next class is tomorrow night. I'm not so much looking forward to it, but I'm willing to give it another go.

Back in the early Spring (and as a New Year's resolution) I had made the commitment to further explore and learn about my Faith and spiritual side. Things have been going well, some days are better than others, some days I forget and turn into a complete crabby, negative Nancy. I try to do my best and I know that I still have a long way to go. I like to think of myself as a "work in progress".

My Christ Centered Birth Class is not the "work in progress" type. These women are very much tuned into their Faith and seem very sentimental about it all. Not that there is anything wrong with that, they just don't seem to be my type of people. I will continue to go because I know I can learn from them; however, it is hard to "buy-in" to people who act very differently than you do. I can talk about my Faith and what I believe in a normal tone of voice. I am open and matter-of-factly about it all. It is very different to be in the midst of people who can't talk about it without quieting their voices, almost to a whisper, while puting their hands to their chests in an effort to prove such passion about what they're talking about. It almost seems like it is all over the top to prove they have so much love and Faith within them. Do you understand the type I'm talking about? Again, I hope I don't offend anyone by talking about just isn't my thing. Can I also add that out of the 4 of us in attendance I am THE ONLY ONE PREGNANT!!!

Yes, there is the instructor, who is pretty soft spoken, her sister, who talks a lot and is there to learn more about being a doula, another lady who seems pretty naive but also wants to learn about being a doula, and me...the token pregnant gal in a birthing class!!! So not only am in surrounded by ladies who are very much different than I am, but I'm trying to learn all I can about the biggest challenge I am going to put myself through (an unmedicated childbirth) and I'm the only one attending the class for the original purpose of the class...I can't stop going, who would be the token?!

How do I get myself in these situations??? I do it all the time. I try to better myself and end up feeling guilted to continue whatever it is. Again, I'm sure I'll learn a lot throughout the next 7 weeks but it is going to be a struggle to keep my motivation and glean from the class what I need to personally achieve what I am looking for. The whole situation is just a little weird...but oh well, welcome to my life.


bdc said...

Ok, this is hilarious! The token prego in a class on CHILDBIRTH! You can't make this stuff up! And, yes, Amanda, I know the "type" of lady you're talking about. Your faith is no less real than theirs, so don't let them intimidate you. They just think they're supposed to act a certain way. I had a similar experience at the one LaLeche League meeting I attended.

Here is a related point that I've wanted to blog about but have not found a tactful/concise way to get my point across: Why do people have to take things that are not weird (childbirth, breastfeeding, babywearing, gardening, cloth diapers etc.) and MAKE them weird?

I frequently get frustrated when so many things I adopt out of frugality or necessity have also been adopted by the "green" agenda. But that's off the point.

I've never had an non-medicated childbirth (though I've had an non-medicated push-the-baby-out part) but have always been fascinated by the concept. I imagine preparation to be key, but also, I think one thing that would be necessary for me would be to have a nurse, midwife, or someone else who could support me through the whole process. Wonderful as he may be, this is not a job for my husband. Something else that would help would immensely would be the ability to labor on your own at home where you don't have pain medication options. Not an option if your an induction-only kinda gal, as I seem to be.

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! I cannot even imagine. This "type" of people make me feel very uncomfortable. I sometimes feel like when they talk like that they are trying to convince themselves. That's just my opinion.

My epidural did not work during my labor with my 9lb 10oz girl and I survived. You can do it too. Pain is temporary.

Best of luck with the class! Keep us updating on it - it's very entertaining!

Jac Ryan