Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weekly Update

I'm still fat. I'm 38 weeks 1 day today. I've progressed only slightly in the way of my cervix thinning. I'm trying to remind myself that I have to thin before I can dilate. I was really hoping for more though. I was also shocked to find that I had lost 2 lbs since last week. The way I see it, that is less work I'll have to do after the baby arrives. Although, I ate A LOT of chocolate yesterday and very likely gained it right back.

Every day is a struggle to not be overly impatient. I'm an extremely impatient person in general. I like plans. I like to know when things are going to happen and how they are going to happen. This is driving me nuts! I am fully aware that Mr. Hogan will grace us with his presence when he is ready...and I'm trying to be ok with that. I really thought I would have had him by today...but who knows, perhaps today is the day!

Today is my Gpa Dub's birthday, tomorrow is our dear friend Josh's birthday, next Wednesday is my Uncle Monte's and Great-Uncle Jim's birthdays, next Thursday is my dear friend Kristin's birthday, then there's always Thanksgiving.

I don't even know what else I can say at this point. I'm due in 13 days. I assume I could go any day now. Sometimes the baby is very still and sometimes he is kicking a lot. Sometimes I am exhausted and sometimes I feel great. I nested this weekend and got my whole house clean and laundry caught back up. Yesterday my face kept getting hot...not like a hot flash but just a flushed feeling. One of the med students I work with said it was because I was vasodilating. He predicted the baby wasn't coming yesterday but soon. I just pray I don't go over...I don't think my sanity could take it...

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