November 29, 2011 I made it! Now I'm not sure how to feel. The last month of this pregnancy, my last pregnancy, has been a roller coaster. I've felt good, I've been tired. I've been anxious, impatient and nervous. I never thought I'd see my due date while still being pregnant. I just new I would deliver early. This is my 4th baby...why wouldn't I go early just like the other 3???
As my due date has gotten closer and closer I've gotten more and more nervous for this natural childbirth that I've raved about for the last 20+ weeks. The last week I have been worn out and this has made me nervous that I wouldn't have the will power and stamina to stick to my guns and work through an unmedicated birth. Lucky for me, today I feel FANTASTIC! Let's go back to yesterday, shall we...
Yesterday I went ahead and started my maternity leave. I had my 40 week check up, was only a day away from my due date and didn't really have anything to lose. At my 40 week appointment, although I was only 39 weeks 6 days the doc could stretch me to 4 cm, also equal to the cracker a few pics below (meaning I wasn't fully dilated to 4 cm but by stretching my cervix while checking me I could reach 4 cm), and 80% effaced. He went ahead and stripped my membranes (meaning he stirred things up hoping I would progress a little faster). He did this without asking me if I wanted it done and I'm glad he did. I was wavering back and forth on whether I wanted to stir the pot or let it play out on its own. Then I headed to Walmart to shop/walk myself along. I should also mention that Sunday night I was up timing contractions until 2am. I got very little sleep which lead to a really crappy Monday evening. My back was aching, I was exhausted, and I was not feeling too positive that I would make it through an unmedicated childbirth if things had progressed like I just knew they would. I didn't have contractions the rest of the day Monday but was uncomfortable with back aches and fatigue. I lounged on the couch until I eventually fell asleep and the hubs woke me up to go to bed at 10:15pm. I assumed I would wake up in the middle of the night to time contractions again, and hoped that I would feel better when this all set in. Instead, I woke up when my alarm went off this morning...still pregnant!
I got the kids on the bus, the hubs left for work, I showered, started laundry and sulked while watching TV because I felt perfectly normal and contractions or back aches. After a couple of hours of being crabby and down for feeling normal my mood picked up. I now feel great, wonderful, cheery and all around pleasant. I'm rocking out to my playlist of favorites while updating my blog and eating hotdogs for lunch. Before long I'll head out to the wonderful world that is Walmart, to walk myself into labor, HOPEFULLY! If I can keep up this fantastic mood I'm in while successfully starting my labor I will be pumped to face unmedicated childbirth head-on!!! What do you think ladies, could this be the calm before the storm???
Here's to a wonderful due date!
P.S. I'd like to note that, so far, I've gained the least amount of weight with this pregnancy...~25lbs!
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