Monday, October 11, 2010

Hold on, this one is a little bumpy...

So, I've been starting and stopping for quite a while now. I get motivated to get my butt in gear (shape) and then really gross, yet tasty food gets in the way. I work all day, come home to hubby and 3 kids, and get nothing accomplished but falling asleep on the couch.

I managed to survive my first half marathon just over a week ago and I loved it. I ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 8 minutes. I'm very happy with that for my first 13.1 miles. We've decided to run another one in Tulsa on November 21st, and I'm quite excited to better my 2:08 PR.

Ok, here's where the road gets bumpy...I just have to vent...

After doing so well and tightening up for 45+ days I fell off the wagon and everything went south. I'm now weigh the most I ever have, feel/look more out of shape than I did prior to my first 45 days, and feel horrible about myself. Yes, I know, I'm not fat or obese and I have not health problems. I shouldn't be so upset...but I am. I'm dimply, flabby, and rolly. My clothes don't seem to fit right and God forbid I ever have to wear a pair of jeans. I've officially reached THAT stage. I used to love they are my enemy!

I have no will power when it comes to food. No joke, I feel as though I'm within 2 years of turning into one of those people you see riding the motorized carts at Walmart, while filling their basket with 6-pack bottles of Mt. Dew, and Hostess snacks. You know exactly the one's I'm talking about. Horribly overweight and usually with a 10 year old riding on their lap. Yes, I know, I'm a terrible person for even going there...but you know you've judged before too! I'm just saying, that's how I'm feeling right now.

I have adult acne. Wonderful, just one more thing the make me feel crappy about myself. Did I mention I jumped on the bang-wagon...bad idea! Now I have bad hair to go along with my acne face, flabby body and clothes that don't fit. FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!

So, the bangs will have to grow-out or I will have to learn to fix them differently. My acne is being treated. I'm working on the will power, and Day 1 of P90X started (again) today.

Once again, my goal is to complete the resistance workouts every other day and run the other days. I want to shed fat, slim down and tone up. I need to keep my cardio up so that I can beat my 2:08 half marathon PR. That's the plan, we'll see how it goes, I hope you enjoyed my mindless vent. Thank you and have a good night!

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