Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Now it is a game of patience

Wow, a little bit of lip gloss would have gone a long way.

The game is on...can I keep my cool? We'll just have to wait and see. As soon as I know the wheels are in motion I get so anxious for labor and delivery. I know, I'm crazy. I just absolutely love it. So as soon as my doc tells me that I've started dilating and effacing I'm all about it. Of course, I wake up each morning and think, "maybe today is the day." Every time something happens I secretly think it could be the start of something. Luckily, I am able to keep the majority of these thoughts to myself so people don't think I've lost my mind. I've been fortunate enough to keep my cool long enough to know when the real deal is taking place. I've never ended up in L&D only to be sent home because I'm not in labor yet....keep your fingers crossed that I keep the streak alive! In all reality, I still have 3 more weeks til I'm due, so I'm not trying to rush him too much...Lord knows he'll come when he's ready. You know how on Sunday evenings you prep for the week ahead? I'm assuming I'm not the only one who does this. I try to make sure the house is picked up, I paint any finger/toe nails that need to be done, and any other task that I feel will help me be more prepared for the busy week getting ready to start. Well, now each Sunday evening I'm thinking about "what if the baby comes this week?" At this point I'm also trying to prep the launch pad for inspection each Monday (my weekly OB appt) and hoping that the coming couple of days will be THE DAY! At this point it is a challenge to keep the launch pad in tip-top shape. The hubs may have to start assisting before too long.

Monday was my last check-up, and as you can see in the pic (from the writing on the chalkboard-obviously you can't see my cervix in the pic, duh), I was 1-2 cm dilated and ~20% effaced. Hopefully when I go back Monday I'll be even further along. Or, maybe I'll have a plump, healthy baby boy before then...with family coming in town this weekend it might a good time to have a baby (after all the guys tag their champion bucks, of course!!)

I'm more dilated than a cheerio but not as much as a slice of banana

I just told my brother-in-law, Eric (who is coming in town with his family), that if he wanted his name used as the baby's middle name he would have to be my doula if I went into labor while they were visiting. His response was "what in the hell is a doula?" After I explained it was a birth coach he stated, "I got this!"...this could get interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck kiddo! I have Hogan's blankie all finished and waiting for him! Love you! Auntie Vicki