Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Every pregnancy is different indeed

Here I sit, 39 weeks 1 day pregnant, never thinking I would have made it this far. I always thought each baby came earlier and babies have proven the opposite. My first was born at 38 weeks, my second at 38 weeks 1 day and my third at 38 weeks 3 days. Each labor and delivery was a tad bit longer than the previous too.

At this point I really have no idea when this baby will decide to make his appearance. After my check up Monday, when I found out he was finally engaged and I was at 2cm and 50% effaced, I really thought he was coming Tuesday or today (at the moment that only leaves 4 hours for him to arrive today still). Yesterday my hips and back hurt, so I of course thought that was the day. Today I've felt nothing. No inclination that this baby will ever come out.

I'm also convinced of 2 things: 1) I am a quite habitable environment and 2) He can hear the outside world around him and is terrified to join this crazy clan we call our family!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving...of course there's been a million and a half people say, "oh, you may have a Thanksgiving baby!" Yea, great, wonderful, I could care less. I don't care what his birthday is, as long as it comes soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sugar, he will come when he is ready and you will be so grateful that he is here finally! Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

Auntie Vicki