Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 52...Yes, I'm still alive

So its Day 52, I've got 60 day pics in just 8 days, and I've done a whole lot of nothing for the last few days. However, I've decided to change things up once again and will start training for a half marathon during these last 30+ days of my P90X experience. I am very excited by this, as I think it will end with tremendous results. My inspiration for my half marathon training is my hubby.

Craiger isn't a run, and never has been. He's always been the "meat head" type of guy, without the annoying attitude! He's more in to muscle and size instead of being lean and skinny. Therefore, he doesn't look like a runner either. Approximatly a month ago Craiger decided he was going to run the first annual Kirksville Stars and Stripes Half Marathon. At first I really thought he was all talk. He didn't train like he should have. He ran a few miles every other day or so and only attempted one long run, that ended with him walking the last couple of miles due to unbelievable pain. He almost gave in and didn't run...but he didn't. He prepped the day before: kept himself fully hydrated, loaded up on some carbs and he was ready to go. He finished the 13.1 miles while only having to stop to walk once, part of an abnoxious hill at mile 9! I'm so proud of him.

Here's my new plan. I'm going to start training for a half marathon, actual race to be deteremined at a later day. I'm going to continue to do P90X but will be skipping the Plyo, Yoga, Kenpo, etc workouts and will be running instead. My running days will more than make up for the skips. I will continue with the lifting workouts such has legs, back & biceps, chest, shoulders & triceps, back & biceps. This schedule should allow, perfectly, for cardio, endurance and muscling building bliss!!! By day 90 I should be one ripped, fit mother!!!

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