Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 53...first day of half marathon training...and I didn't even run

I know, right. It doesn't make sense that today was day 1 of my half marathon training and I didn't even run...but that's what the schedule calls for. Today was my rest/cross training day. How awesome is it that day 1 of a program is a rest day!!! I didn't rest however, I pushed play on Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper X.

Man oh man, do I hate push ups. They suck, they suck, they suck..especially when you do slow-motion push ups, side to side push ups and one arm push ups. Actually, I skipped the one arm push ups because they suck that much. Again, I like my teeth in my mouth where they belong more than I'd like to attempt a one arm push up and land flat on my face, thus knocking out my teeth! My workout seemed so hard at the time. My arms where shaking and tired and at one point my pecks (boobs) were shaking while attempting a set of those wonderful push ups. But now, I feel just fine. My arms aren't tired or sore. I'm hoping the soreness rears its ugly head tomorrow, just to remind me why I push play.

Ab Ripper X was good. I still hate the start of it. I'm really not sure why because the moves seem to be getting slightly easier, I just think I'm bored with the routine. But, all good runners have strong cores!

Tomorrow starts my training runs. I believe I have 4 miles to do tomorrow, at a very easy pace. I'm excited. This will help me burn more fat and slim down and look more cut...and that's what I want. After watching the marathon this weekend, MAN, some of those chicks are cut up! Keep in mind, I don't plan to be the skinny skinny runner, I want to be a more muscular runner, but slimming down will help me appear more muscular. You can't see my muscles like I'd like, due to the nice layer of insulation. Again, I know I'm not fat, but I could be a little thinner to help show definition.

Here's to a wonderful run tomorrow!

By the way, I was so inspired by all the runners on Saturday that I hit the road and busted out 3.4 miles Sunday morning before going to the parade!

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