Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 23...XStretch

Good morning world, I'm proud to report that it is shortly after 5:30am and part of my workout is done. Now keep in mind that today is Wednesday and I should be doing Shoulders & Arms (I believe); however, I'm a little off track since I did nothing the previous weekend. I'm not sure how and when I'll get back on track but oh well.

So XStretch...
I should have already done this workout a few times now, but it is the alternative to the Sunday rest day...and we know how I've been slacking on the weekends. Either way, today was the first day of XStretch. It was nice. Although I feel like I really have to step up my cardio later this afternoon, it was nice to take an hour to stretch and work on flexibility. It seems to mundane to spend an hour on stretching instead of cardio or weight training; however, I know the pay offs are huge. Craiger (my hubby) was supposed to get up and join me this morning as he is extremely inflexible after years of weight training and only weight training. At 4:15am, when the alarm sounded, he explained that he'd been up late and wanted to stay in bed.

I've never been one of those people who swear by starting their day off right by beginning with exercise...but I think I'm turning into one. After a good week and a half of P90X I had skipped a ended up being a horrible day. I was tired and an emotional mess. That feeling is what motivates me to go ahead and get up when the alarm sounds at 4:15am!

Now I'm ready to face the day ahead of me. Half my workout is completed, grapefruit eaten and I'm on my first cup of coffee of the day while watching the Weather Channel. Looks like we're in for more rain and storms today...guess I'll be hiting the dreaded treadmil for my cardio...YUCK!

Here's to a wonderfully productive day of Spring weather and hopefully a healthy diet! No Blizzards til the weekend...that's what I keep telling myself ;)

Oh, also, I'll get my before pics up as soon as my computer stops acting dumb and blocking the program!

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