Saturday, September 13, 2008

How is it that...

an 18 month old's poop can light his butt on fire? My poor son is teething, and I not talking a front tooth, its either a molar or his eye teeth. Now, all you other moms out there know what this means, but for those of you who are not moms, let me explain.

For some reason, when a child is teething they get diarrhea. This is not just your average diarrhea, it's like acid. It has a rancid smell and it burns the skin it touches. And, it's not just one case of diarrhea, it's non-stop. I bet he's pooped 10 times today. Teething front teeth are no big deal; however, molars and eye teeth make it all worse (don't ask me why).

So, as if it isn't bad enough that I am changing a diaper that smells so bad it makes my eyes water, I'm also torturing my poor child. I'm trying not to vomit from the smell while he is kicking and whaling and trying to roll over and run away. I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors called protective services on me as I'm sure they thought I was killing him.

To remedy this we've been putting Desitin on him like crazy. We didn't have the original Desitin, it was the creamy. There is a big difference between the two, and the creamy just doesn't cut it. I don't know what is in the original but I'm telling you, nothing will penetrate it. We've slathered enough Desitin on his butt that we'll have to use a power washer to clean it off. Hopefully it will be better when he wakes up tomorrow. Lord I hope so!!!

1 comment:

bdc said...

Funny how when you're a mom, poop is suddenly on the top of your list of things to discuss, isn't it? Funnier still, that it's entertaining to read about. I never knew what diaper rash was until John encountered post-surgery anti-biotics. I resorted to wearing rubber gloves to changing his diapers because, as you noted, the Desitin is somewhat difficult to wash off!