Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today, I have been married for 4 years...

And I love you Craig Clark. You've given me 3 beautiful children, and you're a pretty good guy, you know. You give me a hard time sometimes...but you put up with my crap too.

We will, undoubtedly, do very little this evening for our anniversary...but in 1 week we cruise to the BAHAMAS!!!

I love you and hope you have a wonderful day.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wohoo, course 1 is in the books...

Well, it took me longer than I'd like, but I finished course 1 of 5 in my medical transcription program. I now hope this small accomplishment will keep me pushing hard for the finish line of course 2. Again, my goal is to finish the program by February and be working part time, at least, by mid-March.

If I can just sit down for an hour or so each night it shouldn't take me long. It's when I'm tired and lazy that I don't get anything accomplished. I sit here tonight, blogging about my accomplishment and celebrating with a glass of wine. Perhaps, if I keep my little celebration in mind while studying, I will get more done. ;)

Here's to the completion of course 1!!!

I'm getting worn out...

We've already established that I have 3 small children and 2 does dear hubby. With this much going on it doens't take much to completely wear a person down. So, let me tell you about last Thursday...

My dear Scotland has a pace maker. We do home pace maker check every couple of months via the telephone. Last Thursday we did her check as normal; however, I got a phone call about an hour and a half later. The previous event of the night had already gotten me a little wound up, but that's neither here nor there. So, when the man on the phone pauses before saying hello and has an indian accent, I'm ready to hang up on this telemarketer. Thank God I didn't. He was from STL Children's Hospital.

Already stating what I had already known, that Scotland had a pace maker check done, he asks me if she's doing well. I reply that she was, but why the hell was he calling, since they've never called after any of the other checks. He procedes to stutter and pause while trying to tell me what the problem is. Let's just remember that my nerves are already frazzled and now he's telling me there is something wrong with my daughter's pace maker, you know, the little machine that keeps her heart running. No big deal, right?

As I'm about the scream at him to tell me what is going on and to get to the point already (becauses its like trying to get a story out of a 5 year old), he asks if she has any symptoms. No, she doesn't, but I'm not willing to sit back and wait for them. I ask if we need to head to STL asap. He tells me not if she isn't having any symptoms. He's gonna consult the "team" and call me back. Feeling much more at ease, yah right, I wait for another phone call.

Finally, he calls back and states that we will need to go to STL in the morning. They will call us at about 8 to let us know when to be there. I assume 8 means 8pm. At 8:45p I call them and he tells me that they will call at 8am. After I explain that we are 3 and a half hours away and that if they call at 8 am I can't be there before noon, we decide that we will just leave the house at 7 am so we can be there between 10 and 11, and they'll be ready for us.

So, we leave and get there just as we planned. They get us in and start the pace maker test. No one knows what it's doing and why. After about 40 minutes and consult from 4 people, they decide that the pace maker is using 3 times more energy than it was just 2 and a half weeks ago. There is a problem with one of the leads that goes up into Scotti's heart but it is still getting the job done. So what do we do...

Well, we're gonna monitor it weekly for the next couple of weeks to see what its gonna do. No one really knows whats causing the malfunction and/or if it will continue. More than likely they will have to replace the lead at some point. They hope it can wait til she reaches 40 lbs at least. This will allow them to put the lead into her vein and up to her heart. If it can't wait, they'll have to open up her chest again and go in that way.

I'm not sure how I feel about all this. I don't want to just sit back and wait, knowing something isn't quite working as it should. But, I also don't want to open her chest again unless we absolutely have to.

I guess we'll se what this Thursday's at-home check says. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yep, I'm one of THOSE moms...

I sucked it up, bit the bullet and bought a mini-van. I've sworn on my life, for the last 3 years, that I would not ever be caught dead driving a mini-van...and now I am my mother.

Although I fought it so hard, I'll go ahead and tell you that...I LOVE IT!! It's comfortable and convenient and will hopefully get better gas mileage than the always-loved explorer. I could actually walk around in it to feed Sully in the middle seat and Scotti in the very back.

Now might I add, my van is not just the regular old mini-van your mom drives...I like to think of mine as an edgy mini-van...its more like a train, at least that's what it reminds me of, for some reason. Yes, my new ride is a Green Tea Metallic, Nissan Quest. I think my new mini-van is the best thing since finding out Mirena was a 5 year birth control!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wow, time flies when...

You have 3 kids and full time jobs (and hubby has a part time job). Did I mention that I'm getting a part time job too? Ya, not much going on here at all.

Monday, Scotland had her second set of ear tubes put in and a second eye surgery. She's such a trooper. She woke up better than she had in the past. She usually wakes up very very mad, yelling and flailing her arms and legs about. We left the house at 4 am and returned home at 4 pm. It was a long day but she's doing great. Poor thing looks like she got socked in the eye though...makes her look like a bad a**.

I've finished my first 4 lessons of course 1 (medical transcription). Its still going well. I've lost a little motivation to keep up the pace I started; however, it is still on my mind all the time. I've just gotten busy and haven't had the time to sit down with it as much. My goal is to complete the program by February and be working from home, at least part time, by March.

Right now I'm dealing with the pain of drying up my milk. We've decided it would be best to be done with pumping by the time we go on our cruise. I would just have to pump and dump, and, since we're gonna be on Nassau for 12 hours, I don't want to be miserable. I have to say that its not as bad as it was with Sully. With Sully I wore cabbage and ace bandages for more than a week. Do you know what cabbage smells like after 2 games of softball...COOKED!! It was gross. Hopefully I won't have to resort to that. I'm so uncomfortable when I wrap them anyway. It makes my ribs hurt. So far, I'm just pumping about twice a day to relieve some pressure.

Oh yeah...the part time job for me. As long as my background check comes back clear (no worries in that department) I will begin training at JC Penney. Although it is a second job and I won't have much/any free time, I am a little excited. It will mean extra money so we can hopefully send all 3 kids to the same sitter and so we can hopefully have some extra money for our trip. They're putting me in the jewelry counter, since I worked for Zales for 2 1/2 years. I'm excited to get back into it, although I do feel it is a step down from Zales (don't tell JCP that though). I shouldn't be that way. $$$ is $$$.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life as usual...

Life has been life as usual and I've been busy, plus, nothing exciting has happend and I try to keep this exciting for those of you who read it (sorry its not). Right now its 8:00am Saturday morning and Craig's at work at the YMCA. Scotti and Sully and I have eaten breakfast and Sully is now dancing to Ne-Yo's Closer and shaking his sippy cup of chocolate milk all over the place. Who doesn't like mood music to go with their breakfast?

Paislee is still sleeping for the moment. We'll do baths (only cuz they're very dirty) and then hopefully Grandma Sonya will take the kids so mom can work on her medical transcription.

Although I don't have much time to devote to it right now I beleive the whole medical transcription thing was a pretty good idea (thanks Gma Fisher). In a dying economy I know there will still have to be some kind of healthcare taking place and as a result, so there will be medical transcription as well.

I jumped in head first with my lessons and was stoked that lessons 1 and 2 went so fast. Then lesson 3 came along. I've been working on this lesson for 3 days now. In lesson 2 I learned root words, no problem. But, in lesson 3 I'm learning preffixes and suffixes for those root words. That's alot to learn in one lessons. Its time for me to buckle down and get through this one. I can only hope lesson 4 goes faster. My goal is to get through lesson 3 and 4 by Sunday evening. I'll let you know how I do.

Right now its bath time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

If things go well, not much to blog about...

It's been a couple days since my last blog and admittadly they're getting pretty boring. I've found that if things are going well I just don't have as much to gripe about.

I was able to get the house all picked up and my floors clean Sunday night before we went to bed. This made for a nice Monday morning. Its always nice to run around frantically in a clean house. So tonight, before I got too tired, I made sure I got the messes swept up and ready to go for tomorrow.

Since Paislee's been going to a sitter in Brashear and I have to leave the house a lot earlier each morning, we've been getting the bigger 2 up early too. It is very nice to have everyone up and around in the morning. I think Craig really likes getting to see everyone before he goes to work.

Today was picture day at Brashear. Although we didn't really plan ahead for pictures, I'm sure they'll look just fine. It was one of those instances when you can't decide if you want to go through with it or not. So, not planning ahead and picking out the perfect "1st Picture Day" picture outfit, we got them taken anyway. The kids didn't get baths beforehand, (not that they were dirty) thus, Scotland's hair was in pigtails instead of her new sleek bob. Oh well, can't fret about it all now.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Workout going pretty good so far...

So I've been trying to stay regular with a workout...since the hubby and I are going on a cruise at the end of October. I'll admit it is still hit and miss. I find I have a lot more time to devote to a workout on the weekends. During the week there's just too much going on. As soon as I get home and sit for a second I become exhausted and don't feel up to working out.

Today I started with 10 minutes of cardio to get my heart rate up and then did my circuit 3 times. Then I finished with a little abs and 20 minutes in the sauna. Not that you all care, but if I post it maybe I'll hold myself more accountable to repeating it.

It's not as if I am fat...I just need a little toning up. Who doesn't want to improve their body image these days. I've had 3 kids you know. If I don't start toning and tightening now I never will!! Plus, I've got my eye on a Victoria Secret bikini for the cruise. Can't be looking fat in a VS suit.

Friday, September 19, 2008

And so begins my new journey...

I've taken the next step in becoming a medical transcriptionist. I attended a seminar in KV Wednesday night. I told myself I wasn't going to get caught up in the hype and sign up on the spot, and I didn't. I talked it over with Craig and we decided it was worth it. Even if it doesn't work out to do from home on a full time basis it could still work part time for some extra money...and who doesn't need extra money these days???

I received my first lesson online while I wait for the whole course to be delivered via snail mail. I'm very excited. It was very easy to follow and the lessons (or the first one at least) are pretty short. This will help keep me motivated. I hope to complete the program within a few months.'s to hoping it eventually allows me to be a WAHM (work at home mom)!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just a quick note that lasted a little too long...

Needless to say, my week has been busy and hectic. Still haven't gotten to post everyday as I wish. Craig's brother Eric and his daughter Ati are in town for a visit, so we've been and Gma and Gpa Clarks the last 2 nights. The kids have such a good time playing; however, the days get long real fast and before you know it it's 9:30pm, everyone's dirty and cranky and it's time to go home.

On that note...this morning was rather busy. Because we got home late last night, no one got baths, and baths were definitely needed. Plus, Gma Clark is taking all the grandkids by her place of work today...can't have them going looking like crickers now can we!!

I'll be the first to admit that I'm very particular about the way my kids look when they are out in public. There is nothing I hate more than a child with dirt and grime all over their face and dirty clothes that don't match. I guess this is part of what has made me the "crazy white woman" that I am today. I end up killing myself to make sure they look presentable. Isn't that what being a mom is all about?

Mind you, I have a daughter with down syndrome. My hubby and I feel very strongly about making and keeping her as cute as possible. She's going to have enough stigma against her from the beginning...there's no need to make it worse. We like to dress her cute and trendy with her hair just right. We recently cut her hair. It was getting too long and needed a more trendy style. We made sure that it wasn't going to come out looking like the typical down syndrome hair cut. I'm sure you can all picture it if you try. If she has to get glasses at some point we'll make sure they're the cutest ones we can find. She's had her ears pierced since she was about 10 months old. I'm presently trying to talk Craig into letting me get her real diamond earrings. Every girl needs a pair of diamond earrings.

Again, this is what causes me to be so crazy. Do you know how hard it is to keep 3 children under 3 cute and presentable at (almost) all times??? It's hard, real hard. I find myself picking at them and straightening them all the time. I'm sure they love it too!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive...I think

It's been a few days since my last post, and by reading my last post it's quite obvious that I've been up to my eye balls in diarrhea and diaper rash cream. I'm happy to report that things are finally looking up...regarding the 18 month old butt issues. As for my role of mom, the jury's still out.

I've decided that raising 3 kids is extremely more difficult than 2. I thought that once you had 2 it was all minor adjustments...whoever told me that lied. I don't know if it is just the ages/stages their at or the fact that I'm neurotic and losing control. I often find myself too exhausted to care that the toys are all over the family room or that I have a sink full of dishes. I strive to get my house picked up every night before bed so that my morning starts off on the right foot. As I said before, I'm losing control.

By the time everyone settles down for the evening and I take a few short moments to get online or watch some TV, I find myself fighting to stay awake. To make matters worse, I still (sometimes) have to get Paislee fed one last time before bed and then pump before I go to bed myself. Now mind you, I don't always have to do the last feeding before bed, my hubby does it sometimes to; however, I often find myself so aggrivated that he won't just do all the feedings just before bed...after all, I still have to pump. I know its not fair to him but it irritates me nontheless. If formula wasn't so expensive I'd switch immedialty, but then, I'd just have the guilt that I should've continued to pump for as long as I could.

I've also started to notice that I have trouble staying on track at work. I can't help but think about my kids all day long: what their doing, if they're fussy, if they miss me, etc. I believe becoming a mom of 3 has made me, in some way, a worse employee. I go to work because I have to. Yes, some days are good days at work but I'd still rather be home. My latest thought is a career in medical transcription. If anyone knows much about it I'd love to hear your thoughts. My main concern is that it would take too much time to do and earn enough money at. Is it something that can be done for a couple hours in the early morning before the kids get up and then again for a couple hours during nap time? Maybe some hours after the kids go to bed at night or some hours on the weekend. Is that do-able? I'd love to know.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How is it that...

an 18 month old's poop can light his butt on fire? My poor son is teething, and I not talking a front tooth, its either a molar or his eye teeth. Now, all you other moms out there know what this means, but for those of you who are not moms, let me explain.

For some reason, when a child is teething they get diarrhea. This is not just your average diarrhea, it's like acid. It has a rancid smell and it burns the skin it touches. And, it's not just one case of diarrhea, it's non-stop. I bet he's pooped 10 times today. Teething front teeth are no big deal; however, molars and eye teeth make it all worse (don't ask me why).

So, as if it isn't bad enough that I am changing a diaper that smells so bad it makes my eyes water, I'm also torturing my poor child. I'm trying not to vomit from the smell while he is kicking and whaling and trying to roll over and run away. I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors called protective services on me as I'm sure they thought I was killing him.

To remedy this we've been putting Desitin on him like crazy. We didn't have the original Desitin, it was the creamy. There is a big difference between the two, and the creamy just doesn't cut it. I don't know what is in the original but I'm telling you, nothing will penetrate it. We've slathered enough Desitin on his butt that we'll have to use a power washer to clean it off. Hopefully it will be better when he wakes up tomorrow. Lord I hope so!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm flipping and flopping...

So yesterday was a good day. I woke up early and accomplished a lot of things before I left the house for work. My day at work was good too. I got some tasks done and attended my first SPINNING class. It was awesome. Diane, the instructor, kicked my butt. However, today is another story.

I woke up later than I should have and didn't want to get up at all. I didn't get the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. I didn't make the bed or staighten up the house. It makes the day a lot better if you get something done at home before leaving. Now I'm at work, its rainy and I just don't feel like doing much. It would be a great day to be at home with the kids...but then again, what day wouldn't be good for that?

I'm frustrated that I can't keep up the momentum to keep all my days starting on the right foot. I just get worn out and don't feel like doing much. If I'd just suck it up and get things done I'd feel a lot better.

I've always seen my self as more of the professional type, until now! I'm now more of the MOM type. I'd be more than perfectly happy staying home with my kids, keeping the laundry done and house clean and getting supper on the table ready for Craig's arrival (I don't really cook though). On the one hand it would be nice to make a lot of money and be able to have all the things we want and to do all the things we want, but on the other, its just nice to relax and enjoy time at home with the kids: to love them, feed them, wash them, play with them and teach them. I want to drive them here there and everywhere for their different activities. I want to be the mom that drops them off at school in a sweatshirt and ballcap.

Oh well...maybe some day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Slideshow, etc.

You'll notice that I've added a slideshow to my page. It only took me 2 days to figure out how to get it on there. I'm suprised I'm not bald from the overwhelming urge to pull my hair out.

You'll also notice that the pictures are of Craig and I only. This is because I'm trying to fulfill my hubbys wishes to not post pics of our children. I happen to think that I have the cutest kids in the world and that everyone should experience their beauty, however, my hubby's wishes are more important I guess. He hasn't made me take them off my myspace page (but he probably will now) but I just can't put new ones up.

I've come to realize that my blog is consuming almost all my thoughts. I'm constantly trying to think of something interesting to write about...I'm sure you've noticed that I still haven't thought of that interesting thing yet. I haven't decided if its best to start my day with a post, post in the middle of the day as I am now, or end my day with a post. What do you think? I am still trying to figure out how to use a new template from another site. I'm wanting something with a little more personality than is offered by Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And so it continues...

So today is my second day with my new blog. Of course, I've spent all morning questioning what I should write about. Should I start my day with a post or should I end my day with a post. No doubt my end of day post will gripe about the happenings of my day. Maybe if I start my day with a post I will get all my frustrations out and my day will be good.

Well, nontheless today has been OK so far. No major worries about who will watch my kids and how they will be cared for. They're all at home with their Aunt Karissa and she knows if she needs anything at all she can call me and I'll run home to help. My back is still killing me, from packing the kids I guess. It continues to worsen each day. I should probably go get an adjustment. My house was semi-clean to start the day. My wonderful hubby, Craig, has had a wild hair in his ass lately and has been cleaning in the evenings. God bless him. I just haven't been in the mood or had the energy this week to get to it. Maybe tonight though.

Now that I'm counting calories I find myself always hungry. Not that I was never hungry before, I just worry about it more now. Dieting is hard. I guess I just don't have the willpower needed to be successful. I'm lucky to have a good metabolism. I've always eaten a lot of junk food and such and have never had an issue with weight.

Why am I counting calories then, you may ask? Well, because my hubby and I are going on a cruise at the end of October. We're so excited. We never went on a honeymoon and, now having 3 kids, can't afford to go anywhere. I won this cruise. We only had to pay taxes on it. We leave October 31st and return November 3rd. I'm trying to slim down and tone up before we leave. If I only put a little effort into it I'd see results relatively quickly. At least that's what Craig tells me.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. I'll brainstorm the rest of the day so that I'll have something to write about tonight. I plan on this being a type of therapy for me. Let's all hope it works.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Well, shall we get the ball rolling...

So this is my blog. I just started it today. I really know very little about blogging but figure I'm opinionated enough to have something to say most of the time. My goal is to learn how to make a little money while writing my rants, in hope to be able to stay home with my children one of these days. Any suggestions or comments are welcome!