Sunday, March 11, 2012

Yes, I'm still alive...

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am still alive. I've been rather busy and just haven't made time to blog....I had my forth child 3 months ago, you know (as if a baby 3 months ago is still a valid excuse).

So the measuring and weight loss stalled, and that was frustrating so I stopped measuring. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my tape measure. The weight has finally started moving again, thank goodness. I also returned to work a month ago and am loving it. The transition went incredibly smoothly and I'm so happy to be back.

I've been running and have recently started seriously training for my first half marathon of the year, that is just about 30+ days away. I ran 9 miles yesterday and IT WAS ROUGH. I'm just happy to be walking around this morning. I won't be competing in the TriFAHL sprint triathlon that I had mention because it is the same weekend as my half. After running a boring, painful 9 miles yesterday I have no idea how I could stay motivated to complete 26...we'll see how that all pans out.

How's the baby, you ask...
He's adorable, cool, sweet and awesome. He's a smiley, chubby little booger and we love him to death...all of us!