As for all the issues I was previously having, they've pretty much all stopped. I was the annoying pregnant woman who called the doc's office about once a week...if not more. I've just never had any issues with my other pregnancies and the bleeding really made me uneasy. At about 14 weeks it all cleared up and I've been fine since. Still no morning sickness and I am thankful for that. I'm tired from time to time and get winded if I try to walk and talk at the same time. Fun times while giving campus tours at work. One girl asked me if I needed to sit down!
I am currently 16 weeks and 1 day along. I'm definitely showing and my clothes are no longer fitting. My work attire is a select rotation of about 4 dresses and 2 pairs of pants (that work somewhat). My home attire is comprised of anything stretchy. Craig is really tired of all the elastic waste, loose fitting pants. I pretty much look like a slob as soon as I get home.
I pee all the time and hate having to get out of bed in the middle of the night to do it. I'm hungry all the time. I eat all day long, this, that, and whatever I can get my hands on. I was very pleasantly surprised to weigh myself Monday and see that I had not gained any weight since the day I weighed myself and was so disappointed that I had been running and the scale hadn't budged (down) at all. Of course that was before I knew I was pregnant.
I can feel the baby move (I think) a little here and there, but there are no big kicks and punches yet. I can't wait for the kids to start feeling them. I think they'll really get a "kick" out of it all. I've only had 1 OB appt so far and have my next one next Thursday. I'm very eager to get the next ultrasound scheduled so we can find out what we're having. I thought I would be able to keep it a surprise, but as we get further and further along I just can't wait to find out. At first my gut told me it was a girl, then I was thinking boy. Then I had a dream that it was a girl, and now I just don't know.
I've really been considering a natural childbirth this time and think I'll attempt it. Craig says this is our last, I'm not happy with this, and if it is that means its my last chance at every "doing it the hard way." After chatting it up with a friend who gave birth to her 3rd baby on her bathroom floor I am pretty excited and think I can do it...not have the baby on my bathroom floor, I think I can go the natural route.
Craig was quite skeptical to start but has warmed up to the idea of a natural childbirth if it is something I want. I explained that I could hire a doula but didn't really know if either one of us (Craig or I) would like a 3rd person in the room. Later on the same evening I told him how I'd research different massage techniques and pressure points that he could hit during labor to relieve some of the pain for me. He quickly piped up "I thought you were going to hire someone to do that?! I don't want that pressure on my shoulders!" So, who knows. I'm not sure I'm ready to talk to a doula at this point; however, I'm very excited to start reading some books and practicing some relaxation techniques.
Can I also say that the kids have been driving us nuts! If they keep this up I might be more on board with stopping at 4. Scotland still just keeps to herself and doesn't cause much trouble. Sullivan and Paislee, on the other hand, love to hate each other. They're constantly aggravating each other and us too! One is stealing the other's toys and mimicking everything the other one does. IT IS NON-STOP! I'm an only child...I had no idea that this is not just a stage/phase. I had no idea this will be the way it is until they're out of my house and on to college. What am I going to do with a 4th child! I'm a little distressed by all of this. Craig simply looks at me and says, "You don't get it. You were an only child. They act that way because they hate each other." I said, "No, they don't hate each other, Craig." He quickly responded, "ya, to a certain extent they do." Not really what I wanted to hear...could be a long 14 more years (til Sully's off to college).
1 comment:
Love the baby bump, almost makes me miss mine. But if you are like me and gain 60lbs it stops looking and feeling cute in a hurry. But from what i can see of you, you look beautiful! Keep us posted. Love ya.
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