Sports bras are made to fit snug and tight. They hold everything in...thus letting your fat overflow. I don't think I'll ever go sports bra shopping again.
The SOMO Polar Plunge is in 2 short days. My plan was to hit P90X hard so that by the time the plunge got here I'd be a good 30 days into the program and seeing results. Things have not gone according to plan. Work has been super busy and I've been skipping my lunch breaks...don't get me wrong, I'm still eating just not working out. Therein lies the problem!
I am now the fat kid who wears a t-shirt into the pool, except I will be wearing mine into the lake...again. I wore a t-shirt during the plunge last year and swore I'd never wear a shirt again. The shirt just holds the freezing water up against you longer. It is much easier to plunge in a bikini or sports bra...hence the sports bra shopping. The lack of a t-shirt makes the changing process much less can simply pull on sweats and go about your way. With a shirt on you have to make your way into a pitch black tent with other freezing ladies. Some talk, some don't, some pull dry clothes on quickly and some just strip down and show you what they're working with (just close enough to the door that when someone new runs in screaming about how cold the water was the light reflects of their pasty blue cheeks.) So, a t-shirt it is for this pasty, blue-cheeked lady.
If I can survive the next week and a half I'll be alright. Work is busy, the plunge is Saturday and then I'm in Florida next week. Upon my return from Florida I will be working out daily while eating a salad for lunch and a sensible dinner. No-holds-barred, I've got to get this body in shape for bikini season. I can't wait for sunshine and 70+ degrees.
I've said my peace...
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