Saturday, August 28, 2010

Starting from scratch, yet again...

A month and a half since my last post, and much longer than that since my last motivated surge at changing my ways, I've returned. Today, Saturday evening at that, marked Day 1...again.

For those of you reading my blog for the first time here's a brief run down:
I started P90X back in April and hit it hard for 45 days. Then I started to lose track and then have to play catch up for skipped days. It took me close to a month to complete week 5.

At this point there's no point in picking up where I left off. I've lost all ground that I gained, and I had gained quite a bit of ground in 45 days! It's so maddening to realize it all now. Not only will it be hard to get back to the level of fitness I had reached (not that it was spectacular but it was much better than the present level) but the discipline with diet is going to kill me. I've sincerely enjoyed eating everything in sight...just wait for my new "Day 1" pics :( (coming tomorrow)

This go around I am doing a hybrid version on the program. Like stated in one of my previous posts, I am going to be doing the resistance workouts by dvd and replacing the stretching and cardio workouts with half-marathon training. I look forward to the results I feel I am capable long as I can keep my motivation going it should be an exciting journey. My half marathon is 5 SHORT weeks away.

Here's to health, fitness and happiness!

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