Today I am 20 weeks along, yes, this baby boy is half baked! I'm still feeling great with some fatigue here and there and lower back pain only when I do too much. I'm still on the pain med-free delivery plan and I've got 3 books to read on the subject. Now I just need to find the time to sit down and read them. Craig is now on-board with the natural plan too...if he can keep his cool, and help me keep mine, he'll be an awesome labor coach.
We found out a couple of weeks ago that Clark baby #4 is indeed a boy. Our house will now be gender equal; although we all know the females will still have the upper hand in the house. Just this last week I've finally really started feeling the baby kick more. There have been a couple that I've felt on the outside of my belly but Craig still can't. I can't wait for the kicks to become a little stronger so that everyone can feel and enjoy them. I think the kids will be super excited once they can feel him kick.
I've thrown out several baby names and Craig has shot the majority of them down rather quickly. We've had a couple that we've both kept on our lists and I have to say that I now have my top choice decided. Once it clicks it is hard to ignore. I think I'll be pushing to get my way on this one...although Craig does still like the name too, he just hasn't been ready to commit yet.
Did I mention we're repainting our kitchen cabinets and I was up til 2:30am and midnight both nights last about doing too much! I'll be glad when that project is over. My problem is that I find these super cute blogs that I start following and my new blog of choice is
The Pleated Poppy. I absolutely love this blogger's house. It is cute, trendy, functional and kid friendly.
When we first bought our house and started working on it I made the mistake of playing it safe and going a little more classic than my true liking. Now that we are expecting our 4th child and have 3 others running around, finger-printing up everything, spilling drinks, playing in food, peeing and/or pooping here or there (accidents only, of course), I want a house that matches our personalities and lifestyle better. My goal is to pretty much redecorate my house very similar to
The Pleated Poppy's.
So back to the cabinets. We originally painted our cabinets high-gloss black. We were going for a little more modern look and this is what Craig wanted...this was about the only decision I let Craig make at this time, and I should have intervened! High-gloss black shows everything and is a pain to repaint. The paint color we chose is called Clay Beige and it is an off-white.
We sanded and sanded and created the biggest dust storm I've ever seen in a house. We had taped up plastic to close off the kitchen in hopes of keeping the mess contained but it did not help. We now have the bases finished, the doors primed and the mess cleaned up. I'm hoping we will get the doors finished and rehung this weekend and I can move on to repainting the living room on our main level a light gray. This is more of the formal living room that we don't really use much...but the family room that we use ALL THE TIME is going to be a nice shade of yellow. I'm so excited for the finished product!
On another note, I was off last week potty-training Scotland. She will be starting Kindergarten in August and really needs to get a grasp of the concept. We didn't master it last week but she is at least cooperating a lot more than she was. She still refuses to tell us when she needs to go but if we take her every 30 mins she'll do her business as needed. Hopefully the progress will continue.
So I was off last week, I'm working this week, and then I'm off again next week. Yes, I took a week of vacation for the NEMO Fair. Before you start judging me let me explain that while I will admit that I do really enjoy the fair, my main reason for taking the whole week off is so the kids can enjoy the animal shows during the day and the carnival rides with hopefully less crickers to compete with. Mom and dad take their camper and we pretty much have supper out there each night and just enjoy getting out of the house and people watching. Trust me, if you've never been to the NEMO Fair, it is a spectacle to behold.
So, here's to a quick week of work before another weekend of redecorating and a week of fun at the fair with the kids!